Body Shots

Photos in these galleries are intended to give a more comprehensive overview of how the bodies look from all angles, what the finish details look like and also how the bodies compare to one another.

View the measurements here: MEASUREMENTS
View video of the bodies here: VIDEOS


Comparisons between standard 2D with basic finishes and heavily upgraded and customized 2D finishes.



Male Body 1

Click on the picture strips to see larger versions.

Full body rotation


Ass layers


Body 2D (left) & Body 1H (right)


Body 2D Landscapes


Body 1B with 5 different heads

15 thoughts on “Body Shots”

  1. This is incredible beautiful art. Sinthetics set the standard for all other doll makers. However, Sinthetics is light years ahead . . .

  2. Oh………Boy do i like the 1B body’s.
    That is perfection guy’s,and i’m picky as hell too.
    I can see me spending some money very soon i think.

  3. If you could do the above with all the body types. That is have the in line comparison like that, that would be great. Ordering one of your manikins in the future and side by side like that would make it much easier.

  4. The last three weeks I’ve seen products of Sinthetics and of the other reputable manufacturers in direct comparison.
    Sinthetics is front and a class for itself. Then comes a long time nothing …

    Pardon my bad english. Greetings from Germany

  5. These dolls are some amazing work of art!!! I want one, so I will start saving to get one. Personally, I think that the body type 2D, which has got more “flesh” in the bum, thighs and legs, is more real and very sexy! I just wish that the breats could be a bit smaller, like in 1B.

    1. We will be releasing 2A later this year. It’s identical to 2D but with perky A-cup breasts.

  6. These are a work of art. I just wished that when we order our companion that we could see the improvments, just in case we want to make changes before we enter the cart.

  7. I’ve noticed that the labia on the 2d body is smaller than the 1b body is there a way to have a small but not too small of a labia on the 1b body I have made a design but have not made it to the checkout yet. Still saving for her.

    1. The standard labia are actually the same. The difference is an optical illusion. We can do and have done custom labia of different styles, and there are other options available on the order form.

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