

The purpose of this page is to expose the scams and cheats we know are currently circulating the web. You will see similar exposés on pages from other doll manufacturers as well. The unfortunate explosion of these exploitative sites is damaging to our entire industry so everyone has to work together to stop it.

These URLS are provided so that you know what to avoid. Many scam sites have hidden software that can get into your computer to cause havoc even if you just click the link. For your own safety, please do NOT go to these sites and put yourself at risk.

We all know that the internet has plenty of great things, and plenty of bad things. Fears about viruses and malware are growing as the risk of infection or identity theft increases. There are certain bits of logic your mom taught you that you should always keep in mind when looking at things online:

1)    If it looks too good to be true, it probably is!

2)    Not everyone tells the truth

And a new one that parents of the internet age have to teach

3)    Just because it is on the internet doesn’t make it true!

In fact, MOST things on the internet are not verified at all. Anyone can hide behind a screen name to say whatever they want. Studies and research show that dishonesty, false personas, identity theft and other internet crimes are increasing because internet users are desensitized and don’t have to meet each other face-to-face.

As with everything else in the real world, please exercise caution and logic when viewing things on the internet. If you see something for $900 that you know costs thousands elsewhere, it’s pretty obvious you’re going to get ripped off if you send $900.

Also, check country of origin! Sinthetics is a DBA of LHI Arts & Entertainment, Inc.
LHI is a USA-based company with our sole studio in California.
Our physical address is provided right on our contact page. There are many people on various forums that have visited our facility, met with us personally, and bought dolls from us as a trusted resource.

If someone claiming to be a Sinthetics reseller or manufacturer tries to get you to send money to China, the Cayman Islands or other countries KNOWN to harbor illegal operations, just say no! If you are ever in doubt about something you have seen, please contact us for information. You can see our resale associates here. We are always here to give detailed explanations and share information. You can also schedule visits to our California facility OR come to meet us in person at International Trade Shows! We are available to you, so please do get in touch.

Thank you!

Now for the list:

  • : Mirror of
  • False claims; no purchases were made by claimants. Claimants known to be part of international scam ring.
  • False claims; no purchases were made by claimants. Claimants known to be part of international scam ring.
  • False claims; no purchases were made by claimants. Claimants known to be part of international scam ring.
  • RealDoll Museum, Mitsugi Sakai, Japan: We started with this person as a reseller but they started taking orders and payments which were never transmitted to us. Only 2 orders were placed and fulfilled with this person. Due to the fraud he has perpetuated against Sinthetics buyers in Japan we are forced to revoke his reseller status and add him to this known scams list. Please do NOT order Sinthetics through this person. We can ship directly to Japan, or you can use our registered reseller in Taiwan for assistance.
  • False claims; no purchases were made by claimants. Claimants known to be part of international scam ring.
  • False claims; no purchases were made by claimants. Claimants known to be part of international scam ring.
  • : Mirror of
  • : Website down
  • : Website down
  • False claims by a disgruntled customer. We are going through necessary channels to get this domain name as the owner is illegally domain squatting.
  • We are going through necessary channels to get this domain name as the customer is illegally domain squatting

  • : Website down
  •  Do not be confused, this is not a registered domain for Abyss Creations (USA), manufacturer of RealDolls.
  • worraia.comWebsite registered in Thailand; showing photos of Sinthetics but not licensed to sell our products. Beware of ripped off items or outright money theft.


We hope this information was useful to you, and that you take precautions to protect yourself when conducting business online.

7 thoughts on “Scams”

  1. Good work Sinthetics.
    The best sites in this list are those with the addition: Website down.
    I hope that this applies soon to all!

  2. Hello do I send payment with the order or do I need to order by phone for the tall feet? I’m just trying to avoid any scams.

    1. You order online through the shopping cart then we contact you by email with a variety of payment methods.

  3. what do u do if u have been duped? worked with and Ive filed complaints and for refund but no reply. Yet they continue to market me for other products.

    1. We’re sorry to hear you were caught in one of the scams. Unfortunately other than filing complaints with the seller, DHgate, your credit card company/PayPal and appropriate online agencies there’s not much you can do…

  4. It is sad, but there are more and more scam sites.
    For example in France too!
    websites selling «poupee silicone» or «poupee realistic », with fake pictures.

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